- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler and Prof. Dr. Achim Lilienthal presented DIDUNAS on 25 August 2023 at the EARLI EyeTale symposium at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. The title of the presentation was: “Using eye tracking and AI to identify student strategies: Illustrated by studies in math education” (Maike Schindler, Erik Schaffernicht, Anna L. Simon, Parviz Asghari & Achim J. Lilienthal).
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler and Prof. Dr. Achim Lilienthal presented DIDUNAS on 23 August 2023 at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction in Greece. The title of the presentation was: “Using AI in educational apps to individually support students: Opportunities and challenges”.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented DIDUNAS in an invited talk on “Didunas, KI-ALF and Madita: Apps for digital diagnostics and support for basic mathematical skills” on 18 July 2023. The talk was given as part of the meeting of advisors for digital education of special schools in Bavaria (Germany), organized by ALP Dillingen, Germany.
- In July 2023, Lukas Baumanns presented DIDUNAS at the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME46) in Israel. The talk was entitled “Adaptive strategy use in pattern-recognition of first graders with and without risk of developing mathematical difficulties: An eye-tracking study”.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented DIDUNAS in an invited talk on “AI and eye tracking in mathematics education research: Insights into possible applications” on 22 June 2023. The talk was given as part of the Mathematics Education Colloquium of the Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education at TU Dortmund, Germany.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented DIDUNAS at the event “New Research Impulses” at the University of Cologne, Germany. The talk was entitled “”Mathematics for all”—Mathematics education in special education and inclusion”.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented DIDUNAS in an invited workshop on “Eye tracking in mathematics education research: An introduction” on 17 January 2023. The workshop was organized by the Young Researcher Representation of Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik in Germany and was held online.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented DIDUNAS in an invited workshop on “Eye tracking in mathematics education research: An introduction” on 16 November 2022 at the Young Researcher Conference of the Young Researcher Representation of Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik in Germany and was held online.
- In August 2022, Lukas Baumanns presented DIDUNAS at the 56th Conference of the German Society of Mathematics Education (GDM) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The talk was entitled “Which strategies do first-graders use for repeating pattern completion? An eye-tracking study”.
- In July 2022, Lukas Baumanns presented DIDUNAS at the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME45) in Spain. The talk was entitled “How do first-grade students recognize patterns? An eye-tracking study”.
- Prof. Dr. Achim Lilienthal presented results from DIDUNAS in an invited talk with the title “Handball, Clusterphysik, Riechende Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz – Wie alles zusammen hängt und wie Messkirch und das Martin Heidegger Gymnasium dich auf die Welt vorbereiten” on 15 July 2022. The presentation was given on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the school “Martin Heidegger Gymnasium” in Messkirch, Germany.
- Dr. Eleni Demosthenous presented DIDUNAS in the 9th ENEDIM Conference on “Repeating patterns: Grade 1 primary school students’ strategies studied using eye-tracking”. The conference was organized by the Greek Association of Researchers in Mathematics Education and was held at Volos on 3-5 June 2022.
- In March 2022, Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler and Prof. Dr. Achim Lilientahl presented DIDUNAS in a talk within the “AI&ORU Seminar Series” at Örebro University.
- In February 2022, Lukas Baumanns presented DIDUNAS at the 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). The talk was entitled “Identification of first-grade students at risk of developing mathematical difficulties through online measures in arithmetic and pattern tasks: A study using error rates and response times”.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented DIDUNAS in an invited talk on “Eye tracking in mathematics education research: Insights in research and practice” on 14 December 2021. The talk was given as part of the Behnke Colloquium of the Münster, Germany.
- Prof. Dr. Maike Schindler presented DIDUNAS in an invited talk on “Eye tracking in mathematics education research: Challenges and opportunities” on 12 July 2021. The talk was given as part of the Mathematics Education Research Colloquium of the University Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
- Baumanns, L., Pitta-Pantazi, D., Christou, C., Lilienthal, A. J., Simon, A. L., & Schindler, M. (2023). Adaptive strategy use in pattern-recognition of first graders with and without risk of developing mathematical difficulties: An eye-tracking study. In M. Ayalon, B. Koichu, R. Leikin, L. Rubel & M. Tabach (Eds.), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME46) (Vol. 2, pp. 75–82). PME.
- Pitta-Pantazi, D., Demosthenous, E., Schindler, M., Lilienthal, A. J., & Christou, C. (in review). Children’s strategies in early mathematics: An explorative eye-tracking study with first graders on quantity comparison, enumeration, and repeating pattern completion. Journal article.
- Baumanns, L., Pitta-Pantazi, D., Demosthenous, E., Christou, C., Lilienthal, A. J., & Schindler, M. (2022). Welche Vorgehensweisen nutzen Erstklässler*innen bei Musterfolgeaufgaben? Eine Eye-Tracking-Untersuchung. Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2022.
- Baumanns, L., Pitta-Pantazi, D., Demosthenous, E., Christou, C., Lilienthal, A. J., & Schindler, M. (2022). How do first-grade students recognize patterns? An eye-tracking study. In C. Fernández, S. Llinares, Á. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME45) (Vol. 2, pp. 59–66). PME.
- Demosthenous, E., Pitta-Pantazi, D., Christou, C., Lilienthal, A.J., & Schindler, M. (2022). Repeating patterns: Grade 1 primary school students’ strategies using eye-tracking. In V. Chrysikou, C. Stathopoulou, T. Triantafillidis, C. Chatzikyriakou, A. Chronaki, & C. Sdrolias (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Greek Council of Researchers in Mathematics Education (pp. 687–696). ENEDIM. (In Greek)
- Baumanns, L., Pitta-Pantazi, D., Demosthenous, E., Christou, C., Lilienthal, A. J., & Schindler, M. (2022). Identification of first-grade students at risk of developing mathematical difficulties through online measures in arithmetic and pattern tasks: A study using error rates and response times. In J. Hodgen, E. Geraniou, G. Bolondi, & F. Ferretti (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) (pp. 2144–2151). Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and ERME.